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Individually we have little clout, but united we can bring about needed change. Our loved ones with mental illnesses are not inferior human beings. They deserve a chance in our society. We can make the difference in their lives.
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NAMI Atlantic/Cape provides support, encouragement, education, advocacy and a caring atmosphere to help with problems that can be overwhelming if faced alone.
Our goals are:
• To support and encourage families to deal successfully with the problems of their family members or loved ones who have a mental illness as well as those who have a co-occurring substance abuse problem;
• To learn more about our local and state mental health systems: how they work, how to use them gainfully, and how to change them;
• To follow new research and treatment possibilities;
• To join with similar groups throughout the State and Nation in identifying and working for improved treatment and resources;
• To advocate for and support legislation to improve programs and research in the field of mental health;
• To work to develop adequate aftercare services, especially a mental health court, residential alternatives, and employment opportunities; and
• To provide the Family-to-Family Education Course each spring and fall. This nationally-acclaimed 12-week class is provided at no cost to families dealing with a mental illness. Membership is not required to attend. Check our “Events Calendar” on this website for dates and the Family-to-Family brochure under the heading “Affiliate Brochures” for more information.
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News from NIMH

- Cost-effective Treatment for Psychosis
- Genome-Wide Study Yields Markers of Lithium Response
- Schizophrenia’s Genetics “Breakthrough”
- Order Free Information on Mental Health
- Twitter Chat on Stress Management